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10 years experience

About Linx Medical

Linx Medical is a leading medical technology provider with a presence at MEA region, dedicated to advancing healthcare accessibility and improving the overall well-being of individuals worldwide. Our international network is committed to pioneering innovative solutions that make healthcare more efficient, effective, and accessible to all..

Not limited with being a medical technology provider with our extensive experience at healthcare facility planning we can provide precise cost calculation for medical device investments, and expert procurement contract consultancy at new and existing healthcare facility projects. With a deep understanding of the healthcare landscape, we bring a strategic and results-driven approach to every project.

Lınx . Medıcal


Not limited with being a medical technology provider with our extensive experience

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At Linx Medical Solutions, we are industry leaders

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Medical Equipment

Linx Medical is a leading medical technology



Linx Medical

Need Consultation and Medical Equipment Services

Please use the following contact information to get in touch with Linx Medical and benefit from healthcare consultation and medical equipment services. We are here to provide you with the best service.

Phone Number

+971 50 796 82 81

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